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It's All About Applications

We know you're busy.

Don't let the application process eat up so much of your time—get to know our appetite first.


We're an open book.

Browse Our Applications

Saving paper and increasing efficiency are never bad things. To better serve our agents, we're transitioning to electronic delivery of policies, endorsements and invoices for all business placed with Glatfelter Public Entities.

Supplemental applications can be submitted along with your Acord applications. Coverages and limits vary between programs.

You look like the perfect partner to us!

Let's make a bind

We know the industry, the advantages our products offer and how to provide the stand-up service we've become known for time and time again. Whether you have a simple question, want input concerning clients' risk management or hope to team up for a sales call—we're here to promote your growth so you can achieve new levels of success.

So… what are we waiting for?

Partner with Us
Photo of Cindy Heffner

Cindy Heffner

Customer Experience Coordinator 800.233.1957

Together we can win + retain business

Our applications aren't the shortest—but their length is what makes them great. Really. We ask a lot of questions up front so we can offer quotes fully-tailored to your clients' risk potential—ultimately helping you better protect them.

Application questions? Our Broker Support Team is made up of amazing people who are ready to assist you.

Reach Out